Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don’t Shed

Published by Lady Prowess on

Explore our guide on hypoallergenic dogs that don’t shed, perfect for families with allergies. Discover breeds that offer companionship without the sneezes, making your home happier and healthier. Find your ideal non-shedding dog breed today!

Are you tired of sacrificing your love for dogs due to pesky allergies? Imagine a world where you can cuddle up to a furry friend without sneezing non-stop or itching your eyes. That sounds like a dream, right? Well, fret not because we’re here to introduce you to a lineup of hypoallergenic dogs that don’t shed, catering to your allergy-prone woes and bringing joy back into your life.

In our ultimate list of hypoallergenic dogs, we’ll dive into breeds specially curated for individuals like you who seek canine companionship minus the allergic reactions. From adorable small pups to majestic big fur babies, each breed on our list boasts a unique charm and minimal shedding tendencies to keep your allergies in check while enjoying the love and loyalty of a furry companion.

Get ready to discover a range of breeds that will not only steal your heart but also give you the companionship you desire, allergen-free.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hypoallergenic Dog

Choosing a hypoallergenic dog is a big decision, especially for individuals with allergies. There are several important factors to consider when selecting the perfect hypoallergenic breed for your home. By considering these factors, you can ensure a match that will not only be delightful but also allergy-friendly.

Read More: Pet Bath Time Essentials.

  1. Size: The size of a hypoallergenic dog should align with your living situation. Smaller breeds like the Chinese Crested or the Irish Water Spaniel are well-suited for apartment living. They require less space and exercise compared to larger breeds.
  2. Coat Type: Opting for a hypoallergenic breed means looking for dogs with non-shedding or low-shedding coats. Breeds like the Bedlington Terrier, Portuguese Water Dog, or Miniature Schnauzer have shorter coats that shed less and produce fewer allergens. Consider the grooming needs associated with different coat types as well. Some dogs may require regular brushing or professional grooming to maintain their hypoallergenic qualities.
  3. Temperament: Each hypoallergenic breed has its own unique temperament. Consider your lifestyle, family composition, and personal preferences when choosing a hypoallergenic dog with a compatible disposition. For example, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is known for being friendly and sociable, making it a good fit for families with children. Meanwhile, the Scottish Terrier is more independent and suitable for individuals seeking a companion with a strong personality.

Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Small, hypoallergenic dog breeds offer the perfect combination of cuteness and are allergy-friendly. These pint-sized pups are not only adorable but also produce minimal dander, making them ideal companions for individuals with allergies. If you’re considering adding a small, hypoallergenic dog to your family, here are some breeds to consider:

  1. Chinese Crested: Known for their unique appearance, Chinese Crested dogs come in two varieties: hairless and powderpuff. Both varieties have non-shedding coats that produce little dander. They are affectionate, intelligent, and well-suited for apartment living.
  2. Irish Water Spaniel: This energetic and intelligent breed has a curly hypoallergenic coat that requires regular grooming. Irish Water Spaniels are great swimmers and make excellent companions for active individuals or families.
  3. Bedlington Terrier: With their lamb-like appearance and soft, silky coat, Bedlington Terriers are hypoallergenic and have a low-shedding coat. They are known for their friendly temperament and adaptability to different living environments.
  4. Portuguese Water Dog: Renowned as the former First Dog, the Portuguese Water Dog is a delightful companion and a hypoallergenic breed. Their dense, non-shedding coat requires regular grooming, but their loyal and playful nature makes them a great addition to families.
  5. Miniature Schnauzer: This small-sized schnauzer breed has a wiry, hypoallergenic coat that requires occasional trimming. Miniature Schnauzers are known for their intelligence and trainability, making them a popular choice for families and individuals.

Medium Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Medium-sized hypoallergenic dog breeds offer the perfect balance between small and large breeds, making them ideal companions for individuals with allergies. These breeds typically have a moderate level of shedding and produce less dander, reducing the risk of triggering allergies. Here are some popular medium hypoallergenic dog breeds to consider:

Portuguese Water Dog

  • Size: Medium
  • Coat Type: Curly and low-shedding
  • Temperament: Intelligent, active, and friendly
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate to high exercise requirements, including daily walks and mental stimulation
  • Compatibility: Great for active individuals or families who enjoy outdoor activities and water sports

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

  • Size: Medium
  • Coat Type: Silky and wavy with minimal shedding
  • Temperament: Playful, friendly, and loyal
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise requirements, including daily walks and interactive playtime
  • Compatibility: Excellent for families and individuals looking for a loving and sociable companion

Standard Poodle

  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Coat Type: Dense, curly, and low-shedding
  • Temperament: Intelligent, elegant, and trainable
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise requirements, including daily walks and mental stimulation
  • Compatibility: Suitable for families and individuals who prefer a versatile and highly trainable dog

Large Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Regarding hypoallergenic dog breeds, size doesn’t have to be a limitation. If you’re looking for a larger companion suitable for individuals with allergies, several breeds fit the bill. These hypoallergenic dogs not only have minimal shedding but also have unique characteristics and specific needs that may align with your lifestyle.

Standard Poodle

  • Known for their intelligence and elegance, Standard Poodles are not just glamorous show dogs.
  • They have a dense, curly, hypoallergenic coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting.
  • Standard Poodles are highly active and intelligent, requiring mental stimulation and at least an hour of daily exercise.
  • They are adaptable and can thrive in apartments and larger homes if their exercise needs are met.

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

  • The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized hypoallergenic breed with a friendly temperament.
  • They have a soft, silky coat that needs regular grooming to prevent mats.
  • Wheatens are energetic and require sufficient exercise, including a daily walk or active playtime.
  • They are adaptable and can fit well into various living spaces, including apartments, as long as they receive proper physical and mental stimulation.

Portuguese Water Dog

  • The Portuguese Water Dog is a large, affectionate breed known for its intelligence and working capabilities.
  • They have a thick, non-shedding coat that requires regular grooming to prevent tangles.
  • Portuguese Water Dogs are energetic and require regular exercise and mental stimulation.
  • They appreciate having a larger home or access to outdoor spaces to roam and play.

Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don’t Shed Much

If you’re someone with allergies but still long for the companionship of a furry friend, fear not! There is a wide range of hypoallergenic dog breeds that shed less hair, minimizing the presence of allergens in your home. These breeds typically have coats that produce fewer allergenic proteins and dander, making them a suitable choice for allergy-prone individuals. Here is a list of hypoallergenic dog breeds that shed minimally, along with essential information about their grooming needs and coat maintenance:


Poodles are renowned for their curly and dense coats, which prevent shedding. Available in three sizes (standard, miniature, and toy), they are highly intelligent, affectionate, and trainable companions. Regular grooming, including professional grooming every 6-8 weeks, is essential to prevent matting and maintain their signature curly look.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies, as they are affectionately known, have a beautiful silky coat that sheds minimally. They are small in size but big in personality, making them ideal for apartment living. However, their long, flowing locks require regular brushing and occasional professional grooming to keep them tangle-free.


The Maltese breed boasts a luxurious white coat that doesn’t shed much. These small dogs are friendly, playful, and great for families. Their beautiful coat, though low-shedding, needs regular brushing to prevent matting and ensure it stays clean and healthy.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises have a dense, curly, hypoallergenic coat that rarely sheds, making them suitable for individuals with allergies. They are known for their friendly temperament and are a fantastic choice for families with children. Regular grooming is necessary to maintain their coat’s texture and prevent matting.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus has a stunning long and silky coat that sheds minimally. These adorable, affectionate dogs are great for individuals looking for a small-sized hypoallergenic companion. Regular grooming, including frequent brushing and occasional professional grooming, is required to keep their coat looking its best.

Managing Allergies While Owning a Dog

When you suffer from allergies but still want to enjoy the companionship of a furry friend, owning a hypoallergenic dog can be a great solution. These dogs are specifically bred to produce fewer allergenic substances, such as dander, which can trigger allergic reactions. While hypoallergenic dogs may not be completely allergy-free, there are several steps you can take to manage your allergies and create a harmonious living environment. Here are some practical tips and advice:

Create an Allergy-Friendly Home Environment

  1. Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly clean and vacuum your home to remove allergens that may accumulate on surfaces and furniture. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter for maximum effectiveness.
  2. Minimize Upholstered Furniture: Choose furniture made of materials that don’t attract and hold onto allergens, such as leather or vinyl. If you prefer fabric upholstery, opt for those that are easy to clean and wash regularly.
  3. Use Hypoallergenic Bedding: Invest in hypoallergenic bedding, including pillows and mattress covers, to create a safe sleeping environment that reduces exposure to allergens.
  4. Install an Air Purifier: Consider using an air purifier with a HEPA filter in your home to capture and eliminate airborne allergens.
  5. Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure good airflow in your home by opening windows and using exhaust fans to reduce the concentration of allergens.

Grooming Practices for Allergy Relief

  1. Regular Bathing: Bathe your hypoallergenic dog regularly, following suitable shampoo recommendations for their coat type. This helps remove allergens from their fur and skin.
  2. Brushing: Brushing your dog’s coat helps to remove loose hair and reduce dander. Aim to brush your dog’s coat outside to prevent the spread of allergens indoors.
  3. Professional Grooming: Consider taking your hypoallergenic dog to a professional groomer who is experienced in handling specific coat types. They can provide services such as trimming and shaping the coat to minimize shedding and dander.
  4. Clean Paws: Wipe your dog’s paws after outdoor walks to prevent them from bringing allergens into your home.


Q: Are hypoallergenic dogs completely allergy-free?

A: While hypoallergenic dogs are bred to produce fewer allergens, no dog breed can guarantee complete allergy-free experiences. It’s important to remember that people with severe allergies should still consult with a healthcare professional before getting a dog.

Q: Which hypoallergenic dog breed is best for families with children?

A: Regarding hypoallergenic breeds suitable for families with children, the Portuguese Water Dog and the Miniature Schnauzer are known for their friendly temperaments and compatibility with kids. However, it is essential to introduce any dog breed to children gradually and supervise their interactions to ensure safety for both the child and the dog.

Q: Do hypoallergenic dogs require special grooming?

A: Yes, hypoallergenic dogs often require special grooming to maintain their low-shedding coats. Breeds like the Bedlington Terrier and Poodle varieties, for example, benefit from regular brushing, trimming, and professional grooming. This helps prevent matting, keeps their coats healthy, and reduces the risk of allergen accumulation.

Q: Can anyone with dog allergies tolerate hypoallergenic dog breeds?

A: While hypoallergenic dog breeds produce fewer allergens, individual reactions may vary. Some people with dog allergies can tolerate hypoallergenic breeds better, but it’s still recommended to spend time with the specific breed beforehand to see if any allergic reactions occur. This can help determine personal tolerance levels.


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